Sedge Warbler (c) Pat Galka |
Gropper (c) Nick Truby |
Hobby (c) Nick Truby |
Lesser Whitethroat (c) Bark |
Gropper (c) Bark |
Whinchat at Noke (c) Bark |
Sparrowhawk (c) Bark |
Wheatear at Noke (c) Bark |
Skylark (c) Bark |
Otmoor is never the same twice, beautiful on Friday, cold and windy on
Saturday, wet and showery on Sunday and foggy and then warm on Monday.
The migrants have continued to flow in with Grasshopper Warbler, Garden
Warbler, Whinchat and Hobby all new for the year. But even more noticeable is
the increasing numbers of the other warblers especially Sedge Warblers. They
seem to be belting out their demented arrhythmic rattle from every briar and
bramble. There are still only two or three Garden Warblers singing however, as
opposed to the much larger number of Blackcaps. There are still only a limited
number of Reed Warblers calling but Whitethroat numbers have gone up
Fog on the moor means that although sound can be muffled it does allow one
to get much closer and in the mist things can be much less inhibited and
nervous. So it was with a Grasshopper Warbler along the bridle way this morning,
it is one of those individuals that hasn’t read the book about being shy and
skulking. It was reeling away from the reeds on either side of the path and at
times was so close I might have touched it. It has continued to perform both
from inside a briar and from the top of a small willow. It has been admired by
many visitors this morning who were delighted to get wonderful views of this
normally secretive species.
On Friday we found fresh summer plumaged male Whinchat on the fence by the
farm at Noke, it has not stayed, they rarely do in the spring, but has been
replaced by a very smart Wheatear. A Hobby was seen and photographed this
morning after I had left the reserve and we are approaching the time of year
when there can be large numbers on the reserve feeding up before moving on to
their breeding grounds. I noticed this morning the first of the St Marks or
Hawthorn flies coming out of the hedge. This large dangly legged fly is much
favoured as easy prey by the Hobbys before the dragonflies get going later in
the month.
The same female Marsh Harrier has ben around over the reedbed since the
middle of last week it is easily identified by the lack of one or two of its
primaries at the elbow on its right wing. Cuckoos have been both heard and seen
and this morning we were fairly certain that there were three individuals
There appear to be more Linnets present both in the carpark field and along
the bridleway towards Noke, than have been seen in recent years. Reed Buntings
are also very much in evidence.
We are holding our breath now for the return of what is probably our rarest
breeder. Turtle doves with their soft purring epitomise summer on the moor. With
the problems they encounter on their wintering grounds and then running the
gauntlet of continental and north African hunters it is always something of a
miracle that they make it back. The other bird that we hope will make it back
soon is the Cettis Warbler, we had not a single record last year after our
population was wiped out by the severe weather two winters ago. Any record of
this charismatic skulker would be very welcome
Gropper (c) Richard Tyler |
Whitethroat (c) Richard Tyler |
Blackcap (c) Richard Tyler |
Linnet (c) Bark |
Goldfinch (c) Bark |
Hare (c) Bark |
Cowslips (c) Bark |
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