
Tuesday 6 May 2014

Otmoor Whiskered Tern a belated posting.

First picture of the whiskered tern in the rain taken by Paul Thomas
Having been out of the country since the day after the tern was found and seen on the Friday I have been unable to thank the people responsible for finding and identifying this mega for Otmoor.
Thanks first to Paul Thomas who saw the bird in the rain and realised that it was very different but was unaware of what it was. He in turn alerted the RSPB Assistant warden, Zoe and the estate worker Adam. They reported it back to the office and Joe Harris came down and scoped the bird and described what he saw to Ian Lewington and the id was made and then confirmed once we got there. As has been described elsewhere, the bird performed beautifully enchanting the fortunate few who got to see it on Friday evening. It was sad that it did not stay long enough to be seen by the large number of hopeful birders who came down on Saturday morning.

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