
Thursday 20 September 2012

Mid Week wader update

Itchy Black-Tailed Godwit  (c) Derek Woodard
Yellow wagtail living dangerously (c) Mike Kosniowski

Another of the Blackwits from the first screen. (c) Derek Woodard
Wader passage on Otmoor is really going well. Species seen this week alone include: Spotted Redshanks, Redshank, Greenshank, Black-tailed Godwits, Ruff, Common Sand, Curlew and lots of Green Sands. Some of these birds have been brief stayers and others have hung around for a few days. Best views have been from the first screen, but several different species have been picked up while flying between scrapes on Ashgrave and those on Big Otmoor. Often when raptors have flushed birds from the remoter parts of the reserve. Snipe have also been seen over most of the reserve but but have tended to favour the Reed bed.
Interestingly there have been very few sightings of Dunlin since the spring and despite their presence at Port meadow and Farmoor, no Sanderlings.
There are still good numbers of Yellow Wagtails feeding around the legs of the cattle, worth looking out for.

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