
Monday 25 June 2012

23rd and 24th June

Flying Turtle (c) P.Barker

Common Darter ? (c) P. Barker

Hare (c) P.Barker

Basking Grass snake (c) P. Barker

Not a great weekend with cool, showery and windy days sandwiching another massive deluge on Saturday night.
There is very little new to report. A Grey Wagtail was seen from the hide on Saturday morning and there are now two Common Terns using the tern raft in front of the second screen.
I saw at least five Turtle Doves on Sunday. With patience they can be seen on the stock corral, sometimes feeding on the ground. We are putting down a fine seed mix for finches and buntings there and there is obviously something in the mixture that they like. On Sunday a male Peregrine was patrolling over Ashgrave and The Closes.
It was difficult to see many Dragonflies or Butterflies while I was down there, as the weather was not at its best for flying, but it was possible to find several Grass snakes basking in the car park field whenever the sun did come out. Surely summer must happen soon.

Toadlet (c) Jason Coppock
Common Spotted Orchid (c) Paul Greenaway
Banded Demoiselle (c) Paul Greenaway
Brown Hawker (c) Jason Coppock

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