
Wednesday 9 May 2012

Wednesday 9th May Mid week update

Confiding Hare (c) Nick Truby

Wheatear on the screen (c) Richard Ebbs

Swallows beside the path (c) Richard Ebbs

Whinchat in the carpark field (c) Darrell Wood
The Wood Sandpiper first seen on Monday was still present and viewable from the hide yesterday evening. Hobbies were seen in good numbers feeding over Greenaways in the afternoon. At least one was sen to have taken a red damselfly the others were feeding on the abundant St Marks Flies / Hawthorn Flies /dangly legged flies ?? A pair of Ruddy Shelduck are spending time between the flood on the hundred acre and Greenaways.Two Oystercatchers have flown in and are the 134th species to be seen this year. Better late than never!

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