
Wednesday 4 January 2012

1st and 2nd January 2012

The year changed but not very much on the bird front.
Water levels are starting to creep up slowly but wildfowl numbers are sill low compared with normal years. A pair of Gadwall were out on the Southern reed bed as were a pair of Pintail along with the normal Teal and Wigeon. I visited on Monday afternoon and the car park was completely full with cars parking up the lane. The Short eared Owls failed to put in an appearance and that seems to be the case when it is very windy. There were good numbers of finches and buntings on the feeders and on the bushes by the cattle pen. Amongst them were several Redpolls and some Siskins. A Peregrine put in several appearances over the holiday period and the Cettis warbler was both heard and seen. A Redshank in front of the hide along with several Snipe were the years first waders.
The White fronted Goose would seem to have moved on and may in fact have re located to Wytham. The Hen Harrier has not been seen or reported since last week.
Despite these absences the Otmoor year list is currently sixty two. I will try to update it as records come in.

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